Intellectual Property Valuation

1. What is IP to a business/company? Essentially, ‘IP’ refers to unique, value-adding creations of the human intellect that results from human creativity and inventiveness. A company’s assets could be broadly categorized as tangible assets (e.g.: buildings, machineries) and intangible assets (e.g.: human capital, brands, designs and innovative capacity), thus the latter would include IP…

The Telekung War: Siti Khadijah v Ariani

Both Siti Khadijah and Ariani hold their own impressive ground in the Muslim-fashion world in Malaysia. Recently, the court case that was brought by Siti Khadijah after claiming that Ariani has stolen the design of their telekung has been decided. This article will discuss on whether clothing can be accepted for copyright referring to the…

Earn Your Stripes. The Fight of Adidas and Lutong.

The case of Adidas International Marketing BV v Lutong Enterprise Corp [2018] SGIPOS 12 was a battle between two established companies. Adidas has brought forward the claim for opposition. The argument arose as Adidas claimed that Lutong Enterprise’s trademark was similar to theirs. Adidas’ trademark was designed after Lutong Enterprise has designed their trademark. Both…

Similar But Not The Same?

Recent Malaysian case laws have determined on what is confusing similarity, as a test to determine whether a trademark conflicts with another registered mark hence resulting in trademark infringement. In Y-Teq Auto Parts (M) Sdn Bhd v X1R Global Holding Sdn Bhd & Anor [2017] 2 MLJ 609, the Court granted full protection to a…